At 31 December 2016, approximately 17,000 disputes were pending1, for a total of 6,682 million euro.

More specifically, the disputes refer to:

  • bankruptcy revocatory actions (467 million euro);
  • settlements in insolvency proceedings (496 million euro);
  • investment services (410 million euro);
  • compound interest and other conditions (866 million euro);
  • bank products (225 million euro);
  • credit positions (2,143 million euro);
  • lease agreements (112 million euro);
  • other civil and administrative disputes (1,358 million euro).

Tax disputes concerning the Group were still pending for a total of 446 million euro.

With regard to compliance with environmental regulations, for damage caused to the environment following the bank's operations over the last three years, no sanctions of over 3,000 euro were imposed. Even with regard to compliance with regulations on health and safety, no reports or significant sanctions were received or imposed.

Details of disputes and litigation in 2016 and the most significant civil and fiscal lawsuits are given in the Consolidated Financial Statements (pages 398-402) [i].


1 Excluding Risanamento S.p.A., which is not managed or coordinated by Intesa Sanpaolo.