In keeping with the 2014-2017 Business Plan, Intesa Sanpaolo continued to support the development of the “real” economy and communities where the Group operates.
In 2016 Sanpaolo granted new medium/long term loans to the real economy for approximately 56 billion euro (48 billion in Italy, up by 16% compared to 2015). Of this total amount, 40 billion (up by 19% compared to 2015) comprised loans for households and SMEs.
Information from the Intesa Sanpaolo network represents a unique source of data about local economies and the Research Department prepared an internal survey for managers of Banca dei Territori Division businesses to give their opinions on the economic situation: albeit with considerable differences among segments and geographic areas, the businesses rated economic recovery and an approach that was only moderately in favour of investments, due to uncertainty and bureaucracy.
To support growth and benefit the business community, actions targeted credit access and support for customers still in difficulty (Proactive Credit, agreements at an ABI and Confidi level to facilitate access to loans and the renegotiation of mortgages), a reduction in loan disbursement times, micro-businesses (self-employment, young entrepreneurship), the development of SME production chains, industry agreements (with Confindustria, Confcommercio, Confagricoltura and Coldiretti), activities serving the Third sector, the disbursement of loans along with international banks for investment projects (EIB, EBRD and others), training and the promotion of new forms of entrepreneurship (women in business, businesses managed by people from non-EU countries), loans and services for businesses investing in internationalisation and innovation.