Mitigating CO2 emissions has always played an important part in the company's strategies. In this framework, Intesa Sanpaolo pursues the goal of reducing waste and gradually and continually improving waste management, as well as researching plant engineering solutions with a greater efficiency.
As regards electricity and heating use and in line with company commitments, the Group's CO2 equivalent emissions in 2016 went down by 10.5%: this decrease is significant and was partly affected by a favourable climate during some winter months, particularly in Italy. Updates to transformation factors also had an impact, which helped reduce CO2 equivalent emissions by 2.7%, resulting in an overall decrease of around 13% compared to 2015.
Greenhouse gas emissions are conventionally indicated as CO2 equivalent, in order to consider the contribution of main gases directly responsible for the greenhouse effect, as defined in the Kyoto protocol and include methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and obviously carbon dioxide (CO2); all of these gases are appropriately referred to the CO2 equivalent, using a specific (Global Warming Potential) value. Separate reporting is also provided for some gases that are most harmful to the ozone layer, including sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
CO2 equivalent emissions are reported, in line with the GHG (Greenhouse Gas Protocol) standard, as: direct emissions (Scope1), arising from the direct use of fuels (heating and the company fleet of vehicles); indirect emissions (Scope2) from energy transformation purchased used in the company (centralised air conditioning and electricity); other types of indirect emissions generated externally (Scope3), as a result of activities related to the company but not directly controlled (personal mobility, paper, waste, etc.).
Scope1 and Scope2 CO2 equivalent emissions generated in 2016 decreased by 8.4% and 10.9% respectively compared to 2015.
For purchased electricity, Scope2 data consider the contribution, as of contracts, of Certificates of the Guarantee of Origin from renewable sources (market based) and thus with zero emissions. The same Scope2 emissions, without certificates and calculating national (location based) transformation factors, would account for a reduction of 9.2%, equal to over 15,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
The Bank has been awarded UNI EN ISO 14064 certification for greenhouse gas emissions at over 200 sites (the same scope as its Environment and Energy Management System), quantifying and reporting on an annual basis its emissions from the production and use of thermal energy, use of electricity, conditioning systems, use of paper and fuels used by company vehicles; in 2016, negligible emissions of ozone damaging substances were recorded.
With a view to continual improvement, reporting was extended to other indirect emissions referable to Scope3 and evaluation methods were improved in 2016. In particular, the international sector was also analysed for indirect emissions from customers' use of internet banking, while the reliability and precision of evaluations was improved for other aspects. Results are affected by the disposal of office machinery and purchase of new equipment.
Table summarising environmental emissions verified by an independent party
Totals in tCO2e | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
Scope1 | 40,226 | 43,930 | 45,277 |
Scope2 (market based) | 35,857 | 40,225 | 46,207 |
Scope2 (location based) | 150,426 | 165,726 | 185,963 |
Scope3 (annual figures not comparable due to the reporting scope being extended) | 27,868 | 27,297 | 25,365 |
CO2e performance indicators (Scope1 and 2) | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
tCO2e per million euro of net operating income | 4.494 | 4.907 | 5.414 |
tCO2e per m2 | 0.021 | 0.023 | 0.025 |
tCO2e per full-time employees | 0.825 | 0.923 | 0.997 |
Breakdown as a percentage of CO2e emissions