The products and services dedicated to this type of customers take into consideration the specific needs of simplicity and enhancement of relations with the Bank that have consolidated over time. The Intesa Sanpaolo offer features three lines of dedicated products: “Carta Pensione”, “Libretto Pensione per te” and “XME Conto” that, for account-holders and their joint holders over 65, provides, in addition to conditions valid for all customers, the opportunity to join the free “Senior Health” programme.
At the end of 2016: more than 7,600 pension cards, approximately 26,200 pension savings books and over 273 thousand over-65 joint holders of “Conto Facile” and the new “XME Conto”, replacing the former at the end of September, had been issued.
The Basic Account, created to comply with regulations introduced in 2012 for financial inclusion purposes, completes the range of products specifically for senior customers. The account is dedicated to customers with limited banking needs and envisages low management costs, particularly for socially disadvantaged customers.
Given the aims of this product, Intesa Sanpaolo chose to make its Basic Account product even more convenient, guaranteeing more transactions free of charge than the limits established in regulations.
At the end of 2016, over 15,800 Basic Accounts had been registered, of which nearly 1,500 account holders are socially disadvantaged and around 4,900 account holders are pensioners with pensions up to 18,000 euro a year.
A non-banking service is also provided for health, wellbeing and leisure, including for example: protection for unforeseen events, doctors and healthcare facilities accessible at preferential terms, social, welfare and tax-related services at subsidised conditions or even free of charge, and opportunities to purchase recreational products and services at bargain prices.
With Salute Senior (Senior Health), customers can benefit from special conditions to see specialists, have outpatient diagnostic tests, be hospitalised or have surgery and dental and physiotherapy treatment at over 2,300 clinics and hospitals throughout Italy, with additional services that are free of charge or offered at special rates. During 2016, more than 287,000 customers over the age of 65 accessed this programme.
Products provided by international banks for this customer segment include current accounts at special conditions and loans for pensioners from the Croatian bank Privredna Banka Zagreb.
The first, which has been on offer since 2004, is a loan that adopts a different approach to calculating merit ratings to allow low-income pensioners to have access to financing. Interest rates are fixed and the cost is just 0.50% of the amount of the loan. In 2016, more than 2 thousand loans were granted for a total of nearly 3.6 million euro.
Current accounts with special conditions target the same type of customer but have costs 50% lower than conventional accounts offering the same services for regular customers. At the end of 2016, over 180,000 people had this type of current account (including over 3,000 new customers).