Intesa Sanpaolo's environmental and energy policy objectives include promoting sustainability among partners and customers.
The “Ambientiamo” platform encourages virtuous behaviour to adopt in the home and at work. In 2016, an interactive course was adopted for the correct management of waste and materials used daily by staff. The Bank also provides specific training for personnel working at operating units and central departments where the Environmental and Energy Management System is adopted. This training focuses on the requirements of applicable international standards, the System's objectives and procedures adopted to comply with requirements, and involved around 250 staff in 2016. Following the start of new maintenance and personal service agreements, specific awareness sessions on environmental issues were held, with representatives from 34 companies operating throughout Italy taking part. CIB Bank (Hungary) made a considerable contribution, implementing the new Energy Management System and training over 2,200 staff in energy efficiency and energy saving issues.
As regards funding, initiatives were dedicated to the culture of innovation in the circular economy. Various meetings were also organised between Italian and international staff on agribusiness issues, with a focus on safeguarding biodiversity.
Meetings and road shows
Engagement centering on the green economy continued in 2016, with meetings and road shows being held.
The “Tavolo Verde” interfunctional work team discussed new frontiers in sustainable logistics and sector opportunities, thanks to the partnership with SRM - Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno (the Research Centre for Southern Italy connected with the Intesa Sanpaolo Group) and SOSLog, a nationwide association that promotes sustainability in logistics targeting challenges and innovative solutions. Sustainable logistics were also the focus of the “Premio Rassegna Economica” (Economic Review Award) held by SRM and won by a young researcher from Urbino University, who submitted a study on RO-RO ferries that can reduce CO2 emissions and the risk of accidents. SRM also oversees an Observatory on the Maritime Economy, with the aim of providing updated figures and statistics on the most important economic and financial indicators of the maritime economy, in commercial terms and as regards alternative fuels and LNG and LPg transport (considered the sectors of the future).
On the issue of renewable energies and energy efficiency, Intesa Sanpaolo supported the Municipality of Turin, SITI-Politecnico di Torino and the Al Engineering Group during the road show in the United Arab Emirates, presenting the three-year “Renewable Energies for Palestine” project on the development of a study and pilot site at Hebron for the energy efficiency of residential buildings and storage of energy from renewable sources.
The Group made considerable contributions to panels on sustainable finance. The Bank took an active part in the panel promoted by the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and by UNEP - Finance Initiative, in association with the Bank of Italy and the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, to produce the first “Italian Engagement on Sustainable Finance” report. The Group also made an important contribution to the technical panel “Sustainable finance and climate change” promoted by the Forum for Sustainable Finance together with the Italian Banking Association, ABI and Italy's National Association of Insurance Companies, ANIA. The aim of this technical panel was to increase the Italian financial community's awareness of the risks and opportunities related to climate change, facilitating integration with investment policies and with product innovation processes of banks, fund managers and insurance companies.
The Bank was also involved in numerous institutional panels on the circular economy with companies, public and private organisations, multilateral agencies and universities taking part. Initiatives included the conference on the “Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry” in association with IEFE Bocconi and the conference “Innovation and Competitiveness: the Italian approach to the Circular Economy” in association with ENEA, ENEL, Costa Crociere and Barilla, as well as involvement in the first master's course in Italy on the bio/circular economy in association with Novamont and four leading Italian universities (Turin, Milan Bicocca, Bologna and Naples Federico II) in order to promote this new paradigm and the talent generation.
“Think Green” training course
With the signing of the cooperation agreement between Intesa Sanpaolo and the Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies to support agriculture and the food and agriculture industries, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's non-profit training centre, Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione, held the training course “Think Green” on guidance and benchmarking opportunities for all entrepreneurs in the food and agriculture industries that want to innovate and develop their businesses.
The course lasts for two or four days and aims to facilitate the digitalisation and internationalisation of Italian production chains, and further knowledge of investments in research, experiments, technological innovation and product promotion.
In 2016, around 140 farmers took part, discussing, among others, EU Agricultural Planning, biodiversity, the short supply chain and new tools for market sales.
In 2016, the company continues its focus on environmental studies and research.
Some of the most important publications of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group are listed below:
- “Local Public Transport: state of the art and prospects”: this report provides an overview of a crucial sector for the economic and social development of every local area, with considerable impact in terms of environmental protection, reducing pollution, sustainability and in general the quality of life;
- “Waste management policies in the Circular Economy”: this publication takes a look at waste management and its dynamics, in view of policies and strategies encouraging transition to the circular economy;
- Innovation “Trend Report”: this report is based on the in-depth analysis of data and information obtained from hundreds of national and international sources. It looks at main mega trends, including “sustainability”, to understand what these trends are, the impact they have on consumers and how companies interpret them;
- “Fishing industry report”, which shows how the sector is increasingly trending towards models that protect sustainable fishing and international regulations to protect fish resources.
Intesa Sanpaolo has also been involved in the following, with other partners:
- “Observatory on the Metropolitan City of Milan”: on the theme of metropolitan cities, in association with Miword, Makno and Milan Polytechnic, presenting a study on prospects for development in the Milan area. Research has shown how predicted growth will give rise to the adoption of a sustainable development model, that can have a positive impact on the quality of life of the entire community, with solutions that can mitigate problems such as unemployment, economic, social and gender-related inequality and environmental degradation;
- “Renewables Energy”, “Intelligent Mobility” and “Sustainability Fashion Trend”: three studies on innovation in the renewable energies, vehicle and eco-fashion sectors, in association with Frost & Sullivan and FashionBI.
The Group was also involved in preparing numerous research reports of international partners. The most important include: the “Energy Efficiency Report”, published by the Energy & Strategy Group of the School of Management of Milan Polytechnic and the analytical study on “Italian Metropolitan Cities” promoted by the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and developed by The European House-Ambrosetti.
Green events
To raise customers' and staff's awareness of green issues, the Group is involved in various initiatives to further disseminate a culture of sustainability and good practices. Main international events, taking place in Italy and abroad, include the “World Environment Day” promoted by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), the “European Week for Waste Reduction” and “European Week for Sustainable Mobility” promoted by the European Commission. In Italy, the Group takes part in the Energy Saving Day, which is part of the “M'illumino di meno” initiative, while some international banks are involved in the “Earth Hour” promoted by WWF.