The selection of topics in Intesa Sanpaolo's Sustainability Report and their presentation, with the aim of making issues transparent and comparable, took into account the principles and metrics defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4 edition) as the reference international standard. The section on materiality analysis and stakeholder engagement reports on priority actions for aspects that may affect stakeholder decisions and business development. The table of GRI indicators allows the reader to assess our sustainability performance presented according to internationally accepted criteria.
The report is arranged by material topics and by capital used to create value in the short, medium and long term (financial; social and relational; human; intellectual and infrastructure and natural) based on the principles of the International Integrated Reporting Framework. The purpose is to provide more comprehensive information on the process of creating corporate value capable of generating results for the business, with a positive impact on the community and on stakeholders as a whole. This is achieved not only through financial resources, but also through a business model that makes Intesa Sanpaolo a bank of the real economy and through a business strategy that looks to the future.