Credit management has a direct impact on financial capital, the use of which allows us to remain faithful to our traditional vocation, being a real economy bank, for households and businesses. Promoting financial inclusion means that a bank must support recovery which is fundamental for the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the community and also represents an opportunity for growth and development.
Intesa Sanpaolo meets the different needs of consumers with a marketing focus and different approaches according to the customer segment, with the aim of accompanying customers through their own life cycle, developing a new way of banking and of looking towards the future.
Initiatives with high social impact
In 2016, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group issued new loans for high social impact activities amounting to over 4.6 billion euro (8.3% of total new loans granted), helping to create business and employment opportunities as well as assist people in difficult situations in several ways: micro-finance; anti-usury loans; loans to the Public Administration to develop socially useful services and activities; credit facilities granted to small and medium enterprises belonging to CONFIDI (consortia or cooperatives for collective credit guarantee); products and services addressed to Third sector associations and entities; products dedicated to the most vulnerable social groups to support their financial inclusion.