The Sustainability Report has been drafted in accordance with the “Core” option of the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines (GRI G4 version) and the “Financial Services Sector Supplements”.

The Sustainability Report guidelines for the banking sector – “The Report to Stakeholders: A Guide for Banks” – published by the Italian Banking Association-ABI in collaboration with EconomEtica (Multi-University Centre for Economic Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility) were also taken into consideration.


Content selection took into account the GRI principles of materiality, stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context and completeness. The materiality analysis (page 21) was conducted in compliance with the GRI 4 Guidelines and the <IR>, the international reference framework for integrated reporting promoted by the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council). The analysis allowed the topics to be assessed based on their materiality and their potential financial impact on the Bank’s activities, on the community and on stakeholders.

Moreover, the GRI principles were applied to define the quality of information criteria (balance/neutrality, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity and reliability) and the reporting boundary.

Information in addition to that provided in the Sustainability Report is published in the Sustainability section of the website. []

Links to this additional information are included within the Report, in the descriptions and in the GRI Content Index.

The Sustainability Report is subject to limited review. The assignment was granted to the independent auditors KPMG S.p.A è a pag. xxx .


All company departments contribute to the drafting of the Sustainability Report content and deal with dialogue initiatives with stakeholders through the CSR Delegates, appointed by the various heads of Group departments and companies, who work in close contact with the CSR Unit. Data collection is centralised, and takes place on the same reporting platform responsible for monitoring the income, financial and commercial performance of the Business Units. The reporting process is defined in special “Guidelines for the preparation of the Sustainability Report and related management processes”, which became corporate policy in 2009 @.


The indicators illustrated in the Sustainability Report were identified according to reference standard indications, our obligations deriving from the adoption of international sustainability protocols and to the commitment to ensuring that the path to achieving our objectives is measurable. Almost all data was collected directly, except for certain estimates which are duly specified. To ensure accuracy in the collection and uniformity in the interpretation of the indicators required, the data measurement systems are supported by a technical manual which, for the quantitative indicators, formalises their relevance, the calculation methods and the data source.

The data presented refer to the 2016 financial year and, where possible, are compared to the previous two years. Re-statements concerning data published in previous years, unless specified to the contrary, are not carried out.


The Sustainability Report is published on an annual basis. The previous report was published in April 2016.
The reporting boundary for the Sustainability Report includes active companies important for sustainability reporting purposes and which are included in the 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements. The evaluation criteria adopted for the inclusion of each Group company in the reporting boundary took into account the features of the companies based on the social and environmental impacts generated, their contribution to the Consolidated Financial Statements in terms of assets and revenues, and the number of employees.
In 2016, the reporting boundary of the Sustainability Report included data relating to Ukrainian bank Pravex-Bank, previously classified among discontinued operations; data was not included that related to the companies of the Risanamento Group, in which the Parent Company Intesa Sanpaolo does not carry out management and coordination activities. A summary of the 2016 Sustainability Report is also published in the “Report on Operations” in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Consolidated Financial Statements [i] (see chapter “Social and environmental responsibility” pag.127 @).

This edition of the Sustainability Report is also available on the website @. To ensure maximum dissemination, the document has been prepared using methods that consider the inclusion of blind and visually impaired people, according to accessibility rules certified by the LIA Foundation (Italian Accessible Books Foundation).