An agreement was signed in Italy on local and professional mobility to promote staff working in distant locations and with particular personal needs to move closer to their homes.
Besides preparing the “Home Work Commute Plan” on staff commuting, activities continued to monitor the shuttle service run in Italy, in Turin, Milan, Naples, Padova, Venice and Vicenza: in 2016, an estimated 370 tonnes of CO2 were avoided, thanks to use of the service. In Turin, a study was conducted in association with Turin Polytechnic on Turin/Moncalieri mobility flows to evaluate how to improve staff commutes. At an international level, the Bank of Alexandria runs a shuttle service connecting Cairo with Giza Governorate which – with potential users numbering 850 – has made it possible to avoid around 830 tonnes of CO2.
To facilitate mobility in major urban centres, numerous agreements with local public transport companies were signed in Florence, Milan, Naples, Padova, Turin and Venice, and were extended to Bologna and Rome in 2016. Staff in these areas can purchase a public transport season ticket from the company website (Mobility Office) at special rates, and also pay in instalments if they want; contributions to the season ticket are also available for some areas, through the Intesa Sanpaolo Workers' Association (ALI). Some agreements with local transport companies were also adopted for CIB Bank (Hungary) and Privredna Banka Zagreb (Croatia).
To promote car sharing, the special rates agreement between “Car2go” and the ALI continued, and a new agreement with the Turin “CarCityClub” was adopted, for car sharing throughout Italy with the “iO guido” service. On the international front, CIB Bank Hungary has a car pool system in place, with colleagues making bookings online, as well as Banca Intesa Beograd (Serbia), which provides both personal and company cars.
The national bike sharing agreement is continuing in Italy, through ALI, with “BICInCittà” and “BikeMi”; thanks to contributions provided, some 500 subscriptions have been taken out. The bike sharing service is active at four international banks (Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania, CIB Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Slovenia and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania) using bicycles owned by the Bank. In Hungary and Croatia, where bicycle use is high, parking spaces and facilities (changing rooms and showers) are available to staff.
International banks have made considerable effort to modernise their vehicle fleets, with cars that have lower CO2 emissions and fuel consumption. With the replacements made in 2016, an estimated 24 tonnes of CO2 were avoided.
Lastly, a preliminary feasibility study was conducted for a road safety management system in compliance with ISO 39001 – Road Traffic Safety Management System. The study analysed activities carried out and possible developments to improve employee safety during commutes, business trips and the mobility of suppliers and customers visiting the Group’s sites in Italy.
CO2 emissions from company mobility [tCO2/year]