Method of engagementIssues
  • Climate survey involving Professional Areas, Middle Managers in Italy, Management Staff, International Banks (all professional categories)
  • 1 focus group with Area Managers
  • The Group's reputation, brand value and external sources' and customers' perception of the Bank
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Responsible sales and transparency and clarity in customer communications
  • Quality products and services, expertise and professionalism in relations with customers and the Bank, innovation and an integrated multichannel approach
  • Employee empowerment and professional training and development
  • Quality of life at the company: welfare and work/life balance
  • Diversity management and inclusion
  • International Banks' implementation of the principles and values of the Code of Ethics  
Trade unions
  • 1 focus group
International Banks Division staff
  • Web-focus on the Intesa Sanpaolo Code of Ethics
Corporate customers
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): 50,000 corporate customers involved
  • Companies Benchmark: 8,000 telephone interviews of Companies operating throughout Italy
  • Analysis of main promotion and detraction issues, their significance and impact on the NPS
  • Identification of Intesa Sanpaolo's competitive positioning, in terms of the NPS and corporate customer satisfaction in areas where the Bank operates
  • Quality and innovation of services for corporate
Retail and personal customers and retail companies
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): 3.9 m retail customers and retail companies involved
  • Customer experience registered at main touchpoints (around 20) used by customers to interact with the Bank: approximately 2 m retail and personal customers and retail companies involved 
  • Internal customer experience registered from nearly 40,000 colleagues
  • Needs analysed through surveys involving the Bank's customers and prospects
  • Involvement in themed observatories
  • Mystery shopping surveys at 480 retail and personal branches and 475 mystery shopping surveys for the online branch
  • Analysis of main promotion and detraction issues, their significance and impact on the NPS
  • Surveys of customer experience through all channels of interaction with the Bank
  • Empowering customer experience by analysing customer perception in order to improve products and services
  • Customer service quality and innovation: quality of products, customer relations and the digital experience
  • Empowering customer experience by analysing customer perception in terms of product and service use, simplicity and efficiency
  • Identifying customer segment needs that have not been met
  • Identifying consumer trends
  • Physical and online branch data, to evaluate and improve service quality
Third sector customers

Customer satisfaction survey:

  • 8 focus groups and 5 interviews 
  • 2,000 telephone interviews
  • Analysis of Third sector customer satisfaction and experience and identification of satisfaction drivers, with a view to improving services
Corporate customers, start-ups and innovative SMEs

Two multi-stakeholder forums:

  • Banca dei Territori Lombardy Department: 21 participants
  • Banca dei Territori Campania, Basilicata, Calabria and Puglia Department: 26 participants
  • Adoption of credit rating systems that include social and environmental sustainability factors
  • Support for businesses, and in particular consolidating the competitive edge of companies in order to promote innovation, the arrival of new generations and development of a new business spirit, growth and internationalisation, and the creation of networks and business combinations
  • An integrated multichannel approach and innovative services to help businesses network
  • Products and services to encourage business and low environmental impact solutions
Large corporate customers
  • 2 online surveys involving a total of 669 large corporate customers
  • Monitoring cash counting, deposit and procurement services
  • Monitoring acquiring services*
  • Retail customers: surveying customer satisfaction at 5 banks
  • SMEs and large corporate customers: analysing customer satisfaction at CIB Bank and Banca Intesa Beograd
International bank customers

Telephone interviews:

  • Retail customers: 1,600 customers
  • SMEs and large corporate customers: 1,500 customers
Small Shareholders' association
  • Interview with the Small Shareholders' Association – E.di.Va
  • Protecting the Group’s capital strength and profitability 
  • Business risk management 
  • Financial inclusion
SRI investors
  • Roadshow with investors on ESG issues
  • Protecting the Group’s capital strength and profitability 
  • Business risk management 
  • Responsible sales practices 
  • Personnel management and development issues 
  • Integrity and rigour in corporate conduct 
  • Service quality and customer satisfaction in engagement and interaction with the Bank 
  • Climate change

* Acquiring services: acquiring services are provided by credit card operators to retailers so that they can accept payments with cards belonging to the credit or debit circuit.