Intesa Sanpaolo participates in the Global Compact Advanced Programme and reports on actions taken in compliance with its commitments in the “Advanced Level” disclosure available on the Global Compact website.

 I 10 PrincipiIndicatori di performance
Human rights
1. Promote and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their spheres of influence Human Rights: G4-HR2 (Investments), G4-HR8 (Rights of Indigenous Peoples), G4-HR9 (Assessment), G4-HR12 (Human Rights Grievance Mechanisms)
Society: G4-SO1, G4-SO2 (Local Communities)
  2. Make sure that they are not complicit, albeit indirectly, in human rights abuse Human Rights: G4-HR1 (Investment)
Job protection
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3. Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining Organisational profile: G4-11 (Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements) Human Rights: G4-HR4 (Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining) Labour: G4-LA4 (Labour/Management Relations)
  4. Eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labour Human Rights: G4-HR6 (Forced or Compulsory Labour)
  5. Ensure the effective abolition of child labour Human Rights: G4-HR5 (Child Labour)
  6. Eliminate all forms of discrimination in employment and occupation Organisational profile: G4-10 (Employees by type) Economic: G4-EC5, G4-EC6 (Market Presence) Labour practices and decent work: G4-LA1, LA3 (Employment); G4-LA9, G4-LA11 (Training and Education); G4-LA12 (Diversity and Equal Opportunity); G4-LA13 (Equal Remuneration for Women and Men)
Human Rights: G4-HR3 (Non-discrimination)
7. Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges Economic: G4-EC2 (Economic Performance)
Environment: G4-EN1 (Materials); G4-EN3 (Energy) G4-EN8 (Water); G4-EN15, G4-EN16, G4-EN17, G4-EN21 (Emissions); G4-EN27 (Products and Services) G4-EN31 (Overall)
  8. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility Environment: G4-EN1, EN2 (Materials); G4-EN3, G4-EN4, G4-EN5, G4-EN6, G4-EN7 (Energy); G4-EN8, G4-EN15, G4-EN16, G4-EN17, G4-EN18, G4-EN19, G4-EN21 (Emissions), G4-EN23, (Effluents and Waste); G4-EN27, (Products and Services); G4-EN29 (Compliance); G4-EN30 (Transport); G4-EN31 (Overall); G4- EN34 (Environmental Grievance Mechanisms)
  9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies Environment: G4-EN6, G4-EN7 (Energy); G4- EN19 (Emissions); G4-EN27 (Products and Services); G4-EN31 (Overall)
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10. Promote initiatives to work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery Ethics and Integrity: G4-56, G4-57, G4-58 Society: G4-SO3, G4-SO4, G4-SO5 (Anticorruption); G4-SO6 (Public Policy)